Yerevan-Athens flights

Compare yearly prices of the flights Yerevan-Athens and get the cheapest dates for your trip to Greece.
• Click on the month window to see the prices of air tickets in exact month dates.
• Click on the exact date box to check the flight details for that date.
• Prices are shown for round-trip flights. You can change the type of the flight clicking on the filter icon and setting your parameters for the calendar

Flights from Yerevan to Athens are operated by different European, Armenian and Russian airlines. The main operator of Yerevan-Athens direct flights is Greek national airline company Aegean Airlines. Wizzair, Ryan Air, Armenia Air company also provide seasonal/charter or transit flights from Yerevan to Athens.

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Yerevan-Athens cheap flights calendar

Flights from Yerevan to Athens are operated by several European and Russian airline companies. There are various ways to fly from Yerevan to Athens, Greece both by direct flights and routes through different transit directions like Moscow, Bucharest, Tbilisi.

The cheap flight calendar is made to help you plan your trip Yerevan-Athens in advance and search for the most affordable airline tickets from Yerevan airport. Athens Venizelos International Airport is also a transit point for passengers from Armenia that fly to other European and North American destinations.

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