
Yerevan-Tbilisi flights

Tbilisi, Aghmashenebeli StreetTbilisi, Aghmashenebeli Street. Image credit: |

Flights from Yerevan to Tbilisi are very popular and one of the most demanded regional directions in Transcaucasus. There are several ways to fly from Yerevan to Tbilisi, Georgia. Most popular airlines operating flights from Yerevan to Tbilisi are FlyOne Armenia and Armenia Aircompany.

The cheap air ticket calendar is designed to plan your trip to Tbilisi in advance and search for the most affordable airline tickets from Yerevan. Tbilisi International Airport is also a transit point for passengers from Armenia for flights to other European and American destinations. Flights from Yerevan to Tbilisi are operated by FlyOne Armenia and Armenia Aircompany airlines. New operating company “FlyOne Armenia” has started direct flights from Yerevan to Tbilisi starting from May 2022.

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