
Sochi-Yerevan flight tickets

Yerevan Zvartnots airport arrivals and waiting hallYerevan Zvartnots airport arrivals and waiting hall

Calendar of air tickets available from Sochi to Yerevan, designed to plan the route in advance and avoid wasting time․ Flights from Sochi Adler airport to Yerevan is the most popular direction between Russia and Armenia. There are several weekly flights from Sochi Adler International Airport to Yerevan Zvartnots airport. Flights are operated by Red Wings, Fly Arna, FlyOne Armenia, Air Company Armenia, Aeroflot, Ural Airlines.

Календарь доступных авиабилетов из Сочи в Ереван, созданный для того, чтобы заранее спланировать маршрут и не терять время․ Рейсы из Сочи/Адлер в Ереван — самые популярные направления между Россией и Арменией. Есть несколько рейсов в день из международных аэропортов Сочи в Ереван Звартноц. Рейсы выполняют Red Wings, Fly Arna, FlyOne Armenia, Air Company Armenia, Аэрофлот, Уральские авиалинии.

AER-EVN Sochi-Yerevan flights calendar

The calendar of cheap flights for the Sochi-Yerevan route will help you to plan your trip finding the tickets for an affordable price. Click on the months to see the flight ticket prices for the days. You can use different filters in our calendar to find the tickets per your parameters.

Календарь недорогих рейсов Сочи-Ереван поможет спланировать поездку и подобрать билеты по самой доступной цене. Нажмите на месяцы, чтобы увидеть цены на авиабилеты на эти дни. Вы можете использовать различные фильтры в нашем календаре, чтобы найти билеты по вашим параметрам.

In case you didn’t find tickets for the good price, you can subscribe to get the updates about cheap prices for your destination:

В случае, если вы не нашли билеты по хорошей цене, вы можете подписаться на обновления о дешевых ценах для вашего направления:

The cheapest flights for this month from Adler/Sochi to Yerevan

Departure atReturn atStopsAirlineFind tickets
23 February 20259 March 2025DirectArmenian AirlinesTickets from 112
24 February 20252 March 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 117
25 February 202513 March 2025DirectArmenian AirlinesTickets from 105
26 February 202511 March 2025DirectAzimuthTickets from 137
27 February 20256 March 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 117
28 February 20259 March 2025DirectAzimuthTickets from 113
1 March 202513 March 2025DirectArmenian AirlinesTickets from 103
2 March 20254 March 2025DirectArmenian AirlinesTickets from 112
3 March 20256 March 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 116
4 March 20255 March 2025DirectArmenian AirlinesTickets from 112
5 March 202517 March 2025DirectAzimuthTickets from 118
6 March 202510 March 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 117
7 March 202511 March 2025DirectArmenian AirlinesTickets from 112
8 March 202523 March 2025DirectArmenian AirlinesTickets from 100
9 March 202521 March 2025DirectArmenian AirlinesTickets from 113
10 March 202520 March 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 117
11 March 202512 March 2025DirectArmenian AirlinesTickets from 112
12 March 202514 March 2025DirectRossiya AirlinesTickets from 121
13 March 202517 March 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 117
14 March 202515 March 2025DirectArmenian AirlinesTickets from 123
15 March 202524 March 2025DirectArmenian AirlinesTickets from 113
16 March 202524 March 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 117
17 March 202523 March 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 117
18 March 202530 March 2025DirectArmenian AirlinesTickets from 121
19 March 202524 March 2025DirectAzimuthTickets from 146
20 March 202523 March 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 117
21 March 202523 March 2025DirectArmenian AirlinesTickets from 134
22 March 202528 March 2025DirectArmenian AirlinesTickets from 133
23 March 202531 March 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 117
24 March 202531 March 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 138
25 March 202531 March 2025DirectArmenian AirlinesTickets from 145
26 March 20254 April 20252 StopsRed WingsTickets from 147
27 March 202531 March 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 117
28 March 202531 March 2025DirectArmenian AirlinesTickets from 145
29 March 20252 April 2025DirectArmenian AirlinesTickets from 150
30 March 202531 March 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 143
31 March 20256 April 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 143
1 April 20252 April 2025DirectArmenian AirlinesTickets from 172
2 April 20254 April 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 143
3 April 20254 April 20251 StopAzimuthTickets from 178
4 April 20256 April 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 143
5 April 202514 April 20251 StopAzimuthTickets from 185
6 April 202514 April 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 143
7 April 202521 April 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 145
8 April 20259 April 2025DirectArmenian AirlinesTickets from 167
9 April 202514 April 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 143
10 April 202514 April 20251 StopAzimuthTickets from 184
11 April 202514 April 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 143
12 April 202514 April 2025DirectArmenian AirlinesTickets from 150
13 April 20255 May 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 133
14 April 202521 April 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 143
15 April 202521 April 2025DirectAzimuthTickets from 184
16 April 202520 April 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 149
17 April 202520 April 2025DirectRossiya AirlinesTickets from 208
18 April 202521 April 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 149
19 April 202520 April 2025DirectArmenian AirlinesTickets from 161
20 April 202521 April 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 154
21 April 202514 May 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 159
22 April 20259 May 2025DirectArmenian AirlinesTickets from 166
23 April 20253 May 2025DirectArmenian AirlinesTickets from 166
24 April 20255 May 2025DirectAeroflotTickets from 210
25 April 202514 May 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 167
26 April 202516 May 2025DirectArmenian AirlinesTickets from 150
27 April 202519 May 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 165
28 April 202514 May 2025DirectArmenian AirlinesTickets from 149
29 April 202530 April 2025DirectArmenian AirlinesTickets from 167
30 April 202530 May 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 170
1 May 20251 May 2025DirectRossiya AirlinesTickets from 268
2 May 20251 June 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 161
3 May 202512 May 2025DirectArmenian AirlinesTickets from 169
4 May 202514 May 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 149
5 May 202516 May 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 154
6 May 202526 May 2025DirectArmenian AirlinesTickets from 174
7 May 202514 May 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 154
8 May 202514 May 2025DirectRossiya AirlinesTickets from 183
9 May 202514 May 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 149
10 May 202511 May 2025DirectArmenian AirlinesTickets from 161
11 May 202512 May 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 154
12 May 202514 May 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 154
13 May 202521 May 2025DirectArmenian AirlinesTickets from 150
14 May 20252 June 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 149
15 May 202519 May 2025DirectRossiya AirlinesTickets from 171
16 May 202528 May 2025DirectArmenian AirlinesTickets from 150
17 May 202530 May 2025DirectArmenian AirlinesTickets from 167
18 May 20256 June 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 158
19 May 202526 May 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 148
20 May 202525 May 2025DirectArmenian AirlinesTickets from 172
21 May 20251 June 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 148
22 May 202526 May 2025DirectRossiya AirlinesTickets from 181
23 May 202528 May 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 149
24 May 202526 May 2025DirectRossiya AirlinesTickets from 174
25 May 20251 June 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 148
26 May 202513 June 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 143
27 May 20252 June 2025DirectRossiya AirlinesTickets from 181
28 May 202530 May 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 149
29 May 20251 June 2025DirectAeroflotTickets from 174
30 May 202515 June 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 147
31 May 202514 June 2025DirectRossiya AirlinesTickets from 182
1 June 202513 June 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 149
2 June 202513 June 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 149
3 June 20259 June 2025DirectArmenian AirlinesTickets from 170
4 June 20258 June 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 148
5 June 20255 June 2025DirectAeroflotTickets from 206
6 June 20258 June 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 149
7 June 202518 June 2025DirectAeroflotTickets from 204
8 June 202515 June 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 142
9 June 202513 June 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 138
10 June 202520 June 2025DirectArmenian AirlinesTickets from 169
11 June 202515 June 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 143
12 June 202517 June 2025DirectRossiya AirlinesTickets from 203
13 June 202515 June 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 149
14 June 202517 June 2025DirectAeroflotTickets from 204
15 June 202522 June 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 148
16 June 202520 June 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 144
17 June 202518 June 2025DirectArmenian AirlinesTickets from 173
18 June 20252 July 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 157
19 June 202528 June 2025DirectRossiya AirlinesTickets from 207
20 June 202522 June 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 143
21 June 202526 June 2025DirectRossiya AirlinesTickets from 207
22 June 202523 June 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 149
23 June 202529 June 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 150
24 June 202529 June 2025DirectArmenian AirlinesTickets from 170
25 June 202529 June 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 149
26 June 202529 June 2025DirectRossiya AirlinesTickets from 207
27 June 202529 June 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 143
28 June 20253 July 2025DirectRossiya AirlinesTickets from 225
29 June 202529 June 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 154
30 June 20256 July 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 158
1 July 20257 July 2025DirectArmenian AirlinesTickets from 194
2 July 202513 July 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 157
3 July 202513 July 2025DirectAeroflotTickets from 213
4 July 20257 July 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 149
5 July 20257 July 2025DirectRossiya AirlinesTickets from 222
6 July 20257 July 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 156
7 July 202511 July 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 171
8 July 202518 July 2025DirectArmenian AirlinesTickets from 197
9 July 202520 July 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 176
10 July 202520 July 2025DirectRossiya AirlinesTickets from 208
11 July 202525 July 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 159
12 July 202523 July 2025DirectAeroflotTickets from 215
13 July 202523 July 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 159
14 July 202520 July 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 182
15 July 202520 July 2025DirectRossiya AirlinesTickets from 223
16 July 202523 July 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 165
17 July 202530 July 2025DirectRossiya AirlinesTickets from 211
18 July 202528 July 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 157
19 July 202530 July 2025DirectRossiya AirlinesTickets from 218
20 July 202528 July 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 160
21 July 202527 July 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 159
22 July 202522 July 2025DirectAeroflotTickets from 225
23 July 20256 August 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 154
24 July 202530 July 2025DirectAeroflotTickets from 209
25 July 20253 August 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 159
26 July 202528 July 2025DirectRossiya AirlinesTickets from 208
27 July 202510 August 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 159
28 July 20253 August 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 160
29 July 202531 July 2025DirectArmenian AirlinesTickets from 204
30 July 202517 August 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 166
31 July 20253 August 2025DirectRossiya AirlinesTickets from 223
1 August 20256 August 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 149
2 August 202529 August 2025DirectRossiya AirlinesTickets from 239
3 August 202510 August 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 159
4 August 202510 August 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 159
5 August 202510 August 2025DirectArmenian AirlinesTickets from 177
6 August 202518 August 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 160
7 August 202511 August 2025DirectRossiya AirlinesTickets from 210
8 August 202517 August 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 162
9 August 202515 August 2025DirectAeroflotTickets from 239
10 August 202524 August 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 169
11 August 202517 August 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 159
12 August 202518 August 2025DirectArmenian AirlinesTickets from 214
13 August 202520 August 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 159
14 August 202517 August 2025DirectRossiya AirlinesTickets from 207
15 August 202515 August 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 173
17 August 202524 August 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 159
18 August 202524 August 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 161
19 August 202523 August 2025DirectArmenian AirlinesTickets from 226
20 August 202522 August 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 159
22 August 202531 August 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 173
23 August 202530 August 2025DirectAeroflotTickets from 246
24 August 202531 August 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 148
25 August 202531 August 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 149
26 August 20257 September 2025DirectRossiya AirlinesTickets from 211
27 August 202510 September 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 154
28 August 202521 September 2025DirectRossiya AirlinesTickets from 196
29 August 20255 September 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 154
31 August 20257 September 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 162
1 September 202528 September 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 148
2 September 20255 September 2025DirectArmenian AirlinesTickets from 191
3 September 20257 September 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 157
4 September 202510 September 2025DirectAeroflotTickets from 204
5 September 202512 September 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 154
6 September 202510 September 2025DirectAeroflotTickets from 203
7 September 202510 September 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 154
8 September 202512 September 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 154
9 September 202524 September 2025DirectAeroflotTickets from 216
10 September 202519 September 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 155
11 September 202515 September 2025DirectAeroflotTickets from 204
12 September 202521 September 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 143
13 September 202520 September 2025DirectRossiya AirlinesTickets from 204
14 September 202528 September 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 149
15 September 202521 September 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 148
16 September 202523 September 2025DirectAzimuthTickets from 185
17 September 202529 September 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 158
18 September 202521 September 2025DirectRossiya AirlinesTickets from 199
19 September 20253 October 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 154
20 September 202527 September 2025DirectRossiya AirlinesTickets from 206
21 September 202529 September 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 164
22 September 202528 September 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 148
23 September 202526 September 2025DirectAzimuthTickets from 171
24 September 20258 October 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 155
25 September 202529 September 2025DirectRossiya AirlinesTickets from 202
26 September 20255 October 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 150
27 September 202512 October 2025DirectRossiya AirlinesTickets from 217
28 September 20253 October 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 156
29 September 20254 October 2025DirectArmenian AirlinesTickets from 195
30 September 20258 October 2025DirectAzimuthTickets from 173
1 October 20255 October 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 152
2 October 20255 October 2025DirectRossiya AirlinesTickets from 200
3 October 20255 October 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 149
4 October 202517 October 2025DirectAeroflotTickets from 206
5 October 202512 October 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 164
6 October 202517 October 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 154
7 October 202517 October 2025DirectAzimuthTickets from 170
8 October 202517 October 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 167
9 October 202516 October 2025DirectRossiya AirlinesTickets from 243
10 October 202517 October 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 154
11 October 202515 October 2025DirectAeroflotTickets from 207
12 October 202519 October 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 141
13 October 202519 October 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 154
14 October 202522 October 2025DirectAzimuthTickets from 169
15 October 202524 October 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 154
16 October 202524 October 2025DirectRossiya AirlinesTickets from 209
17 October 202522 October 2025DirectFlyOneTickets from 153
19 October 202525 October 2025DirectAzimuthTickets from 203
20 October 202530 October 20252 StopsArmenian AirlinesTickets from 400
21 October 202526 October 20252 StopsAzimuthTickets from 404
24 October 202531 October 20254 StopsAzimuthTickets from 719
31 October 20257 November 20254 StopsS7 AirlinesTickets from 1 445
1 November 202515 November 20254 StopsFlydubaiTickets from 1 204
2 November 20256 November 20254 StopsS7 AirlinesTickets from 1 411
5 November 202520 November 20254 StopsS7 AirlinesTickets from 1 455
10 November 202517 November 20254 StopsFlydubaiTickets from 1 099
14 November 202521 November 20254 StopsS7 AirlinesTickets from 1 338
20 November 202525 November 20254 StopsS7 AirlinesTickets from 1 486
1 December 20257 December 20251 StopFlydubaiTickets from 999
6 December 202517 December 20251 StopFlydubaiTickets from 986
8 December 20253 January 20262 StopsFlydubaiTickets from 1 775
10 December 202515 December 20254 StopsS7 AirlinesTickets from 1 129
11 December 202523 December 20251 StopFlydubaiTickets from 1 479
14 December 202520 December 20252 StopsS7 AirlinesTickets from 1 761
15 December 202519 December 20251 StopFlydubaiTickets from 1 002
25 December 202510 January 20264 StopsS7 AirlinesTickets from 1 565
26 December 20252 January 20264 StopsS7 AirlinesTickets from 1 529
28 December 202512 January 20264 StopsS7 AirlinesTickets from 1 931
29 December 20258 January 20264 StopsFlydubaiTickets from 1 406
30 December 202512 January 20265 StopsS7 AirlinesTickets from 2 096
31 December 202512 January 20264 StopsS7 AirlinesTickets from 1 546
2 January 202614 January 20264 StopsS7 AirlinesTickets from 1 443
5 January 202612 January 20264 StopsFlydubaiTickets from 1 285
15 January 202612 February 20261 StopFlydubaiTickets from 1 437
25 January 20267 February 20265 StopsS7 AirlinesTickets from 1 023

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