
Which countries can you visit without a visa with Armenian passport?

Armenian passport strength by Global Passport Power Rank 2025

The Global Passport Power Rank evaluates the strength of passports worldwide, determining their mobility based on the number of countries accessible without a visa or with the option of obtaining a visa on arrival. According to this ranking, the most powerful passport in the world belongs to the United Arab Emirates. Emirati citizens can visit 133 countries visa-free and obtain a visa on arrival in 47 additional countries, giving their passports an impressive overall mobility score of 180.

The Armenian passport ranks 62nd on the list, with a mobility score of 84. This score means Armenian citizens can travel to 84 countries without requiring a visa or by obtaining a visa upon arrival.

Below is the full list of 84 destinations accessible to Armenian passport holders, showcasing the opportunities for global travel and international connections available to Armenian citizens.

Visa-free countries for Armenia passport holders

No visa required Visa on arrival Electronic travel authorization (eTA)
1. Albania 35. Bangladesh 82. Cot D’Ivoire
2. Antigua and Barbuda 36. Bolivia 83. Kenya
3. Argentina 37. Burundi 84. Seychelles 
4. Bahamas 38. Cambodia
5. Barbados 39. Cabo Verde
6. Belarus 40. Comoros
7. Brazil 41. Congo
8. China 42. Cuba
9. Dominica 43. Djibouti
10. Ecuador 44. Egypt
11. Gambia 45. Equatorial Guinea
12. Georgia 46. Ethiopia
13. Haiti 47. Gabon
14. Hongkong 48. Ghana
15. Iran 49. Guinea
16. Kazakhstan 50. Guinea-Bissau
17. Kyrgyzstan 51. India
18. Macao 52. Indonesia
53. Jamaica
19. Malaysia 54. Jordan
20. Micronesia 55. Laos
21. Moldova 56. Lebanon
22. Namibia 57. Lesotho
23. Palestine 58. Madagascar
24. Panama 59. Malawi
25. Russia 60. Maldives
26. Rwanda 61. Mauritania
27. Serbia 62. Mautius
28. St Vincent and Grenadines 63. Mozambique
29. Suriname 64. Nepal
30. Tajikistan 65. Nigeria
31. Ukraine 66. Palau
32. UAE 67. Qatar
33. Uruguay 68. Samoa
34. Uzbekistan 69. Senegal
70. Sierra Leone
71. South Sudan
72. Sri Lanka
73. Tanzania
74. Thailand
75. Timor Lesti
76. Togo
77. Turkey
78. Tuwalu
89. Uganda
80. Vietnam
81. Zimbabwe
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